Antonio Wright

I am a


Web developer who has an eye for design and innovation. I enjoy watching tons of anime, and writing the occassional poem for self expression. I want to prove that there is no challenge too large that cannot be solved with collaboration, trust , and hard work! Born and raised in Baltimore Maryland, I moved to Wisconsin to pursue a college education in Computer Science. Around my junior year I realized I no longer could afford the experience. So now i am teaching myself all about my passion( software engineering ) in a place I now call home Austin Texas

Software Engineer & Web Developer.

More About me.

  • Birthday: May 29 1997
  • Phone: N/A
  • City: City : Austin Texas, USA
  • Age: 23
  • Email:
  • Github:


Currently I have a working knowlege of a fullstack experience with preference to front end development. Skills including popular javascript frameworks React, and Angular

Hosting(Firebase, and Heroku)


A lifelong learner, enthusiastic about all things tech. Driven to contribute to technologies that steadily change the world for the better. Committed to personal and professional development. Detail-oriented, adaptable, and self-starting.


Vidal Vines(Live Project!)

Collaborated on a small agile team to develop the front end using React , Weekly meeting with stakeholder to ensure client satisfaction within 3 months. During the weekly meetings i would give a short presentation showcasing progress.
Created reusable UI components to stay in accordance with DRY conventions
This app is essentially a file dropbox, I used the react-dropzone node package to allow users to drop any file type into our submission section, then with the Elixir server using our own Restful endpoints the database was told how to handle each file type.

Tech Used: React, Elixir, CSS, react-dropzone, material-ui, Jest

Face Detection App(Live Project, Github)

Using the clarifai API I created an app that used coordinate positioning to detect human faces within any image using the api’s advanced algorithm.
Working alone on this project improved the way I used documentation, and research to fill in blanks in my knowledge. Learning that i like to read the sections in documentation /mdn docs that i immediately need thoroughly with additional information coming from videos.

Tech Used:Tech used: React, Express, SAAS,

Harry Potter JSON demo(Live Project, GitHub)

This project demonstrates my ability to navigate large, complex JSON objects and translate the contents into values that are dynamically displayed into a responsive UI. "Complex" JSON includes a wide variance of data types and often layers of nested arrays and/or other nested object structures.

Parsing JSON and drilling into the resulting JavaScript object is a critical skill to have for any frontend role. Keeping in mind items such as: JSON keys will not always be in the same order, certain keys may not always be present, arrays can vary in length, etc., essentially writing frontend code that is not "fragile", but instead capable of handling JSON responses which may vary significantly in order and size from call to call.

In addition to highlighting this framework agnostic, core skillset, this project also showcases my ability to work within the Angular framework. I utilized structural directives (ngFor, ngIf) to dynamically render html templates, while taking advantage of built-in pipes for typical data transformations. In Typescript, I have demonstrated my ability to leverage the scalability of Angular "services" by outsourcing component logic into reusable service functions.

Enjoy some fun, Harry Potter" themed challenges while you check out my portfolio piece!

Tech used: Angular, SCSS, Typescript,

Other Experience

Sales Consultant

2019 - 2020

Wilde Honda, Waukesha, WI

  • Using consultative sales techniques I assisted customers select their dream car. Every month i was among the top 5 sales consultants totalling at least 25 cars by month's end.
  • Tasked with following up with company relations i’ve conducted business with as well future users of our product to maintain good relations.
  • Weekly stand up meetings to ensure quality work and goal reaching
  • Oversee the efficient use of production project budgets ranging from $2,000 - $25,000

Sales Consultant

2018 - 2019

Best Buy, Stevens Point, WI

  • Using active listening and consultative sales techniques I assisted customers in purchasing technology solutions for their home. Was able to sell over $500,000 over a 6 month period.
  • Managed up to 5 projects or tasks at a given time while under pressure
  • Recommended and consulted with clients on the most appropriate technology solutions
  • induces employees to constantly improve by updating our knowledge with e-learnings and self-development seminars.

Freelance Services

My business FarEast can help you develop blogs, online stores, individual brand pages, and so much more! I really want to work with small businesses, content creators, and influencers to elevate their online presence. Increasing how many people find and use your site. Email me to schedule a time to chat


Create a place to share your thoughts with fans, and have them interact with you in real time.

Online Stores

Have an ecommerse idea that you want to start, then FarEast has a solution for you!

Individual brand pages

Trying to market yourself , and need an online portfolio? Well FarEast has you covered!